Accessibility Multi-Year Plan


Statement of Commitment:

St. Louis Bar & Grill is intent on following the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity as it relates to accessibility of goods and services, for employees, customers, and the general public. St. Louis is also committed to following the same principles relating to the removal and prevention of barriers in the hiring and employment process for candidates and Team members with disabilities.

We will accomplish these intentions by following the multi-year plan below, according to the requirements of the AODA.


Past Accomplishments:

St. Louis Bar & Grill has implemented comprehensive AODA training for our staff, in order to ensure integrated customer service to guests with disabilities. This training includes best practices involved in serving persons who use service animals or support persons, as well as persons with vision loss, hearing loss, speech or language disabilities, learning and developmental disabilities, and other disabilities. We also keep a record of this training for each employee.

St. Louis Bar & Grill has also implemented the ability to provide feedback regarding accessibility on our website, as well as in person, while also making our Customer Accessibility Policy available to the public.


Plan for the Future:

Over the coming years, St. Louis Bar & Grill plans to improve our accessibility policies and practices to further prevent and remove barriers to accessibility. These plans include:

  • Improving staff training based on the feedback we receive in the coming years, from both guests and employees.
  • Improving our feedback process to be even more accessible than it currently is, while more publicly encouraging people with disabilities to make use of it.
  • Updating our policies and practices yearly according to environmental and internal changes.