Designing a restaurant franchise involves understanding the psychology that attracts new patrons, and turns them into repeat visitors. Many people think it’s all about brand image and menu items, but the truth is that there are other, far more subtle elements related to the psychology of restaurant franchise design.
Many of these operate in the background, and under the radar, which is the entire point. No one element of the design process should be overly obvious, or it may detract from the magic of the experience. The most successful restaurant franchises in the world understand the importance of balancing understated psychological design elements alongside bright colours, flashy logos and signature food staples.
Everyone understands the importance of ambiance and atmosphere when it comes to restaurant franchise design, but few really understand what specific elements are making it work. Depending on the franchise in question, the ambiance and atmosphere may be highly energetic, casual and relaxed, romantic, or focused on a specific theme, such as a sports bar. Whatever the case, the brand and menu should work with it to create the right blend that puts smiles on the faces of patrons.
A table and some chairs aren’t enough to properly attract and please customers on a psychological level. For that, franchises need to understand how positioning and use of available space can make all the difference. Accessibility is a key component here, as are different areas that cater to specific diners. The best franchises have booths for more privacy, as well as more open space tabling and group options for families and work parties.
Many people think that restaurant franchise lighting should always be dim and atmospheric, but that’s not always the case. While some restaurant franchises can benefit from warm, soft and relaxing lighting, others work by embracing brighter lighting schemes, especially when it comes to highlighting key areas. The level of energy a particular restaurant franchise seeks to project should directly influence lighting as a whole.
This is often an afterthought, particularly where bathrooms are concerned, but it’s nonetheless highly important. Cleanliness as a whole is a must, as patrons will notice even the most mundane of things, such as a dusty lamp. When it comes to seating and tables, the importance is far more profound, as this is where patrons will spend the majority of their time. And finally, the aforementioned bathrooms, which can make or break a restaurant franchise, depending on how well they have been maintained…or not.
The amount of food and drink options that comprise a menu won’t mean much if the presentation is lacking, which is why top notch restaurant franchises put a lot of effort into the menu itself. Every little thing, from font choices, to colours, graphical layout and photographs has a direct influence on how patrons order, not to mention whether they will decide to order again in the future. Highlighting key dishes, lunch menu items, desserts and seasonal options can go a long way towards upselling patrons before they leave.
This is often one of the hardest things to balance out in a restaurant franchise, as everyone reacts to temperature in a different way. Some may find it too hot, while others might regret not bringing a sweater. The key is to find a general all-around temperature that pleases as many as possible, though this may differ depending on the season. Franchise owners will also have to factor in heat coming from the kitchen when measuring temperature, as well as the number of patrons in the restaurant, which can have a direct effect on the amount of circulating heat.
Restaurant franchising is all about building relationships with patrons, and one of the best ways to accomplish that is by telling a story through artwork and decor. We have all sat at a restaurant booth and gazed at pictures hanging on the wall that showcase its unique history and origins, and that can create an immediate bond between customer and brand. It’s another way to humanize the franchise and remind everyone of the family-centric nature of the establishment.
Depending on the restaurant franchise in question, different noise levels will have a profound effect on the brand’s reputation. For instance, sports bars and restaurants tend to be very liberal with higher volumes, as this creates a sense of camaraderie and excitement, especially when the hockey game is playing on the big screen. However, other restaurant franchises may opt for quieter volumes so that family and friends can have conversations with one another, without having to shout at each other across the table.
The psychology of restaurant franchise design is far more complex than most people think, as you’ve just discovered. There are so many moving parts that go into creating the right presentation for patrons to enjoy, but all it requires is a little bit of planning, and a lot of common sense. At the end of the day, restaurant franchise design psychology depends largely on the desired energy level and overall vibe.
St. Louis Bar & Grill has a recipe for success that is self-evident. Our restaurant design psychology ticks all the right boxes, which is why we continue to expand and open up new locations on a regular basis. Interested in becoming part of our franchising family? Don’t worry, we’ve got the psychology part down! All you need to do is bring your enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit, and we’ll make it work! Contact us today for more info.